Today, businesses face a key choice. They must pick the web framework for their software. Companies hire web app development services to make the decision process easier. The services help them pick the best Web App Development Framework for their apps. Then, they use the framework to create the applications. Tech experts recommend two popular web development frameworks. These are Laravel and ASP.NET.
Developers can use Laravel or hire an ASP.NET development company. They do this to build business applications. Before choosing, the owner or the company’s tech team should know the key features.
To do this, they need to examine the differences between ASP.NET and Laravel. They will look at their speed, popularity, sales share, and more. ASP.NET is a Microsoft product. The server side is the app framework. Developers of web apps use it to build dynamic websites. It is from Microsoft’s ASP (Active Server Pages). It is an implementation of CLR (Common Language Runtime). .NET enables the making of high-quality enterprise apps. They run on many platforms. Yet, Laravel is a PHP web application development framework. It is an open-source and free framework developed by Taylor Otwell. PHP developers find application deployment easier. They also find maintenance, authentication, and authorization simpler. This is with the framework built on the MVC model. To learn more about these frameworks, and to see the full Laravel vs. ASP.NET comparison, check out the blog.
ASP.NET Vs Laravel – A Detail Comparison!

Speed and Performance
When it comes to website development, clients all want speedy, high-performance websites. Picking the right language can do this. It helps by sending queries to databases and showing the result in the browser. The same is true for those programs in the two frameworks that are most well-known, Laravel, and ASP.NET. Each framework has unique capabilities and languages. They help developers make durable applications. They have the same access to finding images and data. They can also access file systems and display the results via the server. Thus, these frameworks overlap. They give the site similar efficiency. Both frameworks allow designers to create fast websites. Every company needs them. For instance, sites like Facebook and MailChimp use the PHP framework called Laravel. Companies use ASP.NET to create websites like Office365 and TeamViewer.
The cost of web app development is key. It’s important when it’s time to get a business app made. In this regard, the Laravel web framework has a key advantage. For instance, it is an open-source framework. To make apps, you need to buy specific tools. This is not the case with ASP.NET. It also comes with monthly hosting fees. It is the reason why .NET developing services are costlier compared to Laravel. Also, the program’s cost will depend on the business’s needs, project size, and more.
Another factor to consider is scaling. This is when comparing developing apps with two popular Web tools. Knowing if the framework can scale is crucial. It helps in making an app with future potential, not one that’s better now. Also, it is important to determine if the site is capable of handling increased demand. This is a matter that involves the choice of the appropriate framework. But, the good news is that Laravel and ASP.NET are very scalable
Both frameworks help companies with software development. They help build scalable websites. This is so the sites can handle more traffic.
Comparing the use of these frameworks will help you. It will help you see which ones web development companies use. Recently, 925,086 live websites use the .NET framework. 34k of them come from India. Yet, Laravel supports around 1,341,152 websites, while India hosts 12,899 active websites.
When one compares the two frameworks, Datanyze reports that ASP.NET has a 7.73 percent market share. Over 2597392 firms use it. Laravel’s market share is 0.22 percent, with over 73898 businesses employing it.
.NET has a bigger market share. It’s an old framework from Microsoft. That makes it more popular with developers. But, Laravel is growing in popularity. Companies and developers see good results from it. This implies the ASP.NET framework might be more popular than Laravel. Laravel framework.
ASP.Net vs Laravel: Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of ASP.NET
The .NET framework lets developers create applications. It includes various types of code reviews. They improve code quality and make writing faster.
World-class toolbox
The ASP.NET framework is an outstanding toolbox. This is due to its integration with the Visual Studio development environment. This .NET toolbox is essential in the creation of the framework. Additionally, it allows .NET developers to develop applications. The toolbox is part of the ASP.NET framework. It’s very important and regarded due to its features. These include automatic deployment and drag-and-drop server controls.
Out-of-the-box Features
ASP.NET is simple. It is a straightforward framework. It lets developers do every task without trouble. The runtime is part of this framework. It makes development very simple and easy. It offers services like automatic reference counting and garbage removal. This framework also lets developers split user interfaces from the app’s logic and design.
ASP.NET is simple. It is a straightforward framework. It lets developers do every task without trouble. The runtime is part of this framework. It makes development very simple and easy. It offers services like automatic reference counting and garbage removal. This framework also lets developers split user interfaces from the app’s logic and design.
Delivers power and flexibility
The framework uses common language runtime-based languages. This lets web app developers use the most flexibility the platform offers. Also, ASP.NET has no language restrictions. Users can choose any language that meets the app’s requirements.They can split the development into a variety of languages.
Customizability and Extensibility
.NET has a good structure. It lets developers change or swap out the subcomponent in the ASP.NET runtime. It is achievable with the aid of custom-designed components developed by the developers.
Disadvantages of ASP.NET
When making .NET applications, developers must address a few security concerns. That’s why the experts must be extra cautious. They should take more steps when developing .NET applications.
ASP.NET costs a lot of money compared to other open-source frameworks. Developers have to buy licenses for SQL Server, Windows Server, Visual Studio, and more. It is a framework for which hosting providers charge a higher fee. Also, while making this framework, the developers may need to connect to other servers on the web. They will need to connect to servers running PHP.
Documentation mark
.NET framework gives developers documentation. It helps them create applications and learn about new technologies. But, this documentation is not well-written. This is why, when making MVC applications, the developers may face some challenges.
Making changes app
Changes to an application built on the framework in one version may not work in another version. It means that an app could work today, but could face issues in the coming years.
Advantages of Laravel
Use of New Features of PHP
When using Laravel, a well-known PHP framework, its big benefit is that it uses all PHP’s new features. This is not something other frameworks can do. But, Laravel 5 lets developers use the latest PHP features. They can do this while building strong applications. Some are overloading interfaces and short syntax. They are anonymous functions and namespaces.
Integration with mail services
For any business web app, it is key to talk to customers. You must keep them updated about the latest deals and offers that the business has. Laravel can be ideal for this. It has an API, unlike SwiftMailer. Laravel includes many drivers. They include SMTP, SparkPost, Mailgun, Mandrill, Amazon SES, PHP’s “mail” function, and more. These drivers let developers build an app. The app lets businesses send emails using local or cloud services.
Great documentation
Laravel’s official documentation is easy to understand. It enables developers to read its information. They can use it to fix problems and learn new techniques. They also provide detailed explanations of the coding style. They cover techniques, classes, and other aspects. These help newbies master the framework.
Packages and resource availability
Developers can enjoy the npm and Bower packages. They can use them with Laravel. The framework has useful assets and resources. They will help make the best web platform for business.
Supports popular cache backends
Laravel is a web framework for application development. It has an array of exciting features. It supports Redis and Memcached.
Reduced product development cycle
Laravel makes it easy to integrate with other tech. It is quick, so developers can cut development time. Additionally, Laravel has a huge community of developers that support it.
Disadvantages of Laravel
Composer isn’t strong
Since it is the case that the Laravel framework is new, developers will find it difficult to use it. Even the person who wrote Laravel isn’t as strong, which adds to the complexity levels.
Lack of Continuation between different versions
If the developer plans to move to Laravel 4 to 5, it might break the application. This means that continuity between versions of this framework can be problematic.
Quality issues
If the developer plans to switch to Laravel 4 to 5, it may break the application. This means that continuity between versions of the framework can be problematic.
Laravel development is slower compared to other frameworks. This slowness affects software developers. It’s especially true when they work on visible applications.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- ASP.NET is a framework made by Microsoft. It is for building web apps using .NET languages like C# and VB.NET.
- Laravel is a PHP web framework. It’s known for its clear syntax and features. The design aims to simplify web tasks.
- Developers use ASP.NET with Microsoft technologies. It integrates with Windows. In contrast, Laravel is platform-independent and can run on many operating systems.
- ASP.NET follows a component-based architecture. It relies on the MVC pattern. Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
- ASP.NET offers strong tools and support for enterprise applications. In contrast, developers know Laravel for its simplicity, flexibility, and productivity.
- ASP.NET has many developers. Microsoft provides extensive documentation. It also offers a wide range of third-party libraries and tools.
- Laravel has an active community. It has good documentation and a rich set of packages available via Composer.
- Many consider Laravel to be easy for beginners. This is due to its clear and expressive syntax, documentation, and built-in features. These features include ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) and routing.
- ASP.NET can be harder for beginners. This is especially true for those who don’t know the .NET ecosystem and C# programming language.
- Many prefer ASP.NET for big applications. They need to work with Microsoft technologies. These include Azure, SQL Server, and Active Directory.
- Laravel is great for startups and small to medium projects. They value fast development, scalability, and flexibility.
- ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform version of ASP.NET. It lets developers build applications that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
- Laravel applications can run on many operating systems with PHP. They do not depend on a specific platform.