Implement PostgreSQL In Flutter

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Introduction of PostgreSQL:

An open-source, robust object-relational database system is called PostgreSQL. Its proven design and more than 15 years of continuous development have given it a solid reputation for accuracy, data integrity, and dependability.

An international group of volunteers created the open-source relational database management system (DBMS) known as PostgreSQL, which is pronounced post-gress-Q-L. No company or other private entity controls PostgreSQL, and the source code is freely accessible.

PostgreSQL Setup Steps:

Downloading the installer

  • Visit the downloads page of EnterpriseDB’s website,
  • Download your preferred version from the list available.

Launching the installation

Run the downloaded dmg package as the administrator user. When you get the screen below, click on the “Next” button:

Selecting the install location

You will be asked to specify which directory you wish to use to install Postgres. Select your desired location and click “Next”:

Selecting components

You will next be asked to select the tools that you want to install along with the Postgres installation. PostgreSQL server and command line tools are compulsory. Stack Builder and pgAdmin 4 are optional. Please select from the list and click “Next”:

Selecting where to store data

You will be asked to select the location for your Postgres cluster’s Data Directory. Please select an appropriate location and click “Next”:

Setting the superuser password

You will be asked to provide the password of the Postgres Unix superuser, which will be created at the time of installation. Please provide an appropriate password and click “Next”:

Selecting the port number

You will be asked to select the port number on which the PostgreSQL server. will listen for incoming connections. Please provide an appropriate port number. (The default port number is 5432.) Make sure the port is open from your firewall and the traffic on that port is accessible. Click “Next”:

Setting locale

Please select the appropriate locale (language preferences) and click “Next”:

Review and installation

You will be provided a summary of your selections from the previous installation screens. Review it carefully and click “Next” to complete the installation:

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system known for its robust features, reliability, and extensibility. Implementing PostgreSQL in a Flutter app allows developers to securely store and manage data, perform complex queries, and ensure data integrity, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, from simple mobile apps to enterprise-level solutions.
To integrate PostgreSQL with a Flutter app, developers typically use client libraries or plugins that provide connectivity and interaction with the PostgreSQL database. These libraries, such as dart-pgsql or sqflite, enable developers to establish connections, execute SQL queries, and manage database transactions directly from their Flutter code.
Some advantages of using PostgreSQL in a Flutter app include its support for ACID transactions, data integrity constraints, advanced SQL features, scalability, and compatibility with various platforms and programming languages. Additionally, PostgreSQL offers robust security features, including authentication, authorization, and encryption, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of stored data.
Yes, PostgreSQL can be used with Flutter for both mobile and web apps. While mobile apps typically interact with a remote PostgreSQL server over a network connection, web apps can also utilize PostgreSQL for server-side data storage and management. By leveraging PostgreSQL’s cross-platform compatibility, developers can build Flutter apps that seamlessly integrate with PostgreSQL databases across different platforms.
When implementing PostgreSQL in a Flutter app, developers should consider factors such as database schema design, query optimization, error handling, data synchronization, and security best practices. It’s essential to design an efficient database schema that meets the application’s requirements, optimize SQL queries for performance, handle errors gracefully, ensure data consistency across client and server, and implement proper security measures to protect sensitive data.
While PostgreSQL offers many benefits, developers should be aware of potential limitations or challenges, such as database performance issues, network latency, connectivity issues, and compatibility with different Flutter platforms (iOS, Android, web). Additionally, developers may need to address platform-specific considerations, such as handling offline data storage and synchronization in mobile apps, or optimizing database connections and queries for web apps.
Developers can find resources such as documentation, tutorials, sample code, and community forums to help them implement PostgreSQL in their Flutter apps. Additionally, client libraries and plugins often provide documentation and examples to guide developers through the integration process. By leveraging these resources and seeking assistance from the Flutter and PostgreSQL communities, developers can overcome challenges and build robust, database-driven Flutter apps with PostgreSQL integration.

Flutter BLoC Tutorial: State Management using BLoC Pattern

Neo Infoway - WEB & Mobile Development Company | Festival | Neo | Infoway | Leading software Development company | Top Software development company in India

What is BLoC?

BLoC is the abbreviation of the word Business Logic Components It aims to isolate the business logic of an application from its User Interface, making the application’s code simpler, flexible, adaptable, and capable of being tested.

  • Developed by: Felix Angelov
  • Sponsors: Very Good Ventures, Stream, Miquido
  • Version: flutter_bloc: ^8.0.1(at the time of writing article)

Pros & Cons of BLoC Design Pattern

Before we move on to the Flutter Block tutorial Let’s look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of the block design pattern.

Pros of Using BLoC

Great documentation of various scenarios.

Separates the business logic from the UI which makes the code understandable.

It makes the product more tastier.

It is simple to track the states that an app has gone through.

Cons of Using BLoC

The learning curve is steep.

Not recommended for applications with simple requirements.

A little more boilerplate code, but it is easily handled with extensions.

Flutter BLoC Tutorial Goal

We will create a basic application to demonstrate how the BLoC utilizes streams to manage state and create a few tests for the block.

We will create a basic application to demonstrate how the BLoC utilizes streams to manage state and create a few tests for the block.

Initial Setup

Make sure to install the bloc extension in your editor; it will help create all boilerplate code and files required for the project(right-click on the lib folder, and it will give you the option for generation bloc for your project).

Make sure to match your pubspec.yaml file with mine to avoid any issues.

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Understanding BLoC Concepts: Events and States

To understand the way that blocks work We must know what constitutes states and events.

events: These are the inputs that an app can receive (like pressing a button to load images, inputs for text, or any other inputs from users that our application might wish to get).

State: State is the state of the application, and can be altered according to an event that is received.

Bloc manages these states and events, i.e., it is able to take an entire flow of Events and convert them into streams of States as output.

Creating an Event

                        abstract class AppBlocEvent {
                         const AppBlocEvent();
                        class ChangeTextEvent extends AppBlocEvent {
                         const ChangeTextEvent();}

Moving forward to the Flutter Block Tutorial. We have made an event called ChangeTextEvent which will be fired whenever the button is pressed.

We use an abstraction of the AppBlocEvent Class since Bloc is expecting a single occasion to add to its stream. However, since there could be multiple events running in an app, we design an abstract class and then extend it when we need to add any new event and pass on multiple events to Bloc.

Creating a State

Event and State Management using BLoC Pattern

                        class AppBlocBloc extends Bloc {
                            final List textList = [
                              'Initial Text',
                              'Changed Text',
                              'Changed Again',
                            AppBlocBloc() : super(const AppState.empty()) {
                              on((event, emit) {
                                try {
                                  int newIndex = state.index + 1;
                                  if(newIndex >= textList.length) {
                                    newIndex = 0;
                                      index: newIndex,
                                      text: textList[newIndex],
                                } on Exception catch (e) {
                                  // ignore: avoid_print


This is the section which contains the software.

When a it is added into the stream with clicking a button. It gets the event, i.e. the information you wish to share with the triggering events, you are able to access via this(like event.any_info which requires you to alter your event’s class to reflect this) emit is used to generate an event state specific to that event.

When a it is added into the stream with clicking a button. It gets the event, i.e. the information you wish to share with the triggering events, you are able to access via this(like event.any_info which requires you to alter your event’s class to reflect this) emit is used to generate an event state specific to that event.

state.index allows you to see the state that is currently in the application’s state.index. It lets you see the current state of the.

emit(AppState (…)): emit (…) is used to generate new states and triggers the rebuilding part of the built() build() function.

Connect the pieces.

At present the events, states, blocks and our application’s UI are not linked to each other in any manner. Let’s get them all connected.

Providing our BLoC

                        import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
                        import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
                        import 'package:text_change/text_controller.dart';
                        import 'bloc/app_bloc_bloc.dart';
                        import 'bloc/app_bloc_state.dart';
                        class App extends StatelessWidget {
                          const App({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
                          Widget build(BuildContext context) {
                            return MaterialApp(
                              title: 'Flutter Demo',
                              theme: ThemeData(
                              home: BlocProvider(
                                create: (context) => AppBlocBloc(),
                                child: Scaffold(
                                  appBar: AppBar(
                                    title: const Text('Text Change'),
                                  body: BlocConsumer(
                                    listener: (context, state) {},
                                    builder: (context, state) {
                                      return Text Controller(
                                        text: state.text,

Explanation: App.dart

BlocProvider (…): We use it to display an instance of our block by placing it under the base of the application to make it accessible to all users.

Create: It creates the version of our AppBloBloc.

BlocConsumer (…): It is the place in which everything takes place.

builder: ‘s responsible for creating it’s UI which is then rebuilt with every state changes. blocConsumer also includes listenWhen and buildWhen that, like the name suggests, can be customized to respond to specific state changes.

Triggering the Event and States

                        class TextChangeController extends StatelessWidget {
                            final String text;
                            const TextChangeController({Key? key, required this.text}) : super(key: key);
                            Widget build (BuildContext context) { 
                                  return Column
                                     children:  [ 
                                           text: text, 
                                        ), // TextChange 
                                           onPressed: () =>
                                          child: const Text('Change Text'), 
                                     ), // ElevatedButton 
                                  ), // [ ] 
                               ); // Column

In this case, we’ve included the event called ChangetTextEventonto an event’s stream which triggers a state change that triggers the rebuilding of BlocConsumer’s builder() inside BlocConsumer and then the modified text will show to the right of the screen.

You’ve got it You’re done! With a separate UI with business logic you can alter the UI code, and then connect the Bloc into. It will operate in the same way.

Testing the BLoC Design Pattern

For testing the bloc, you require two packages:

  • bloc_test
  • flutter_test

Simply go to the folder for testing, make the app_bloc_test.dart file and begin writing the test.Inside we’ll test two requirements:

Initial state of application i.e AppState.empty().State changes when the button is pressed.

                                void main() {
                                      'Initial State',
                                      build: () => AppBlocBloc(),
                                      verify: (appState) =>
                                          expect(appState.state, const AppState.empty(), reason: 'Initial State'),
                                      'emits [MyState] when MyEvent is added.',
                                      build: () => AppBlocBloc(),
                                      act: (bloc) => bloc.add(const ChangeTextEvent()),
                                      expect: () => const [
                                          index: 1,
                                          text: 'Changed Text',


  • blocTest is a part of the package bloc_test.
  • Build() It returns an example of AppBlocBloc().
  • Expect and verify in the sense that they are in line with the state expect(actual matcher, actual).
  • Act: To insert an event to the stream

Github Repository: Flutter BLoC Simple Example

Feel free to copy your repository the flutter-bloc demo and begin to play around using the code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

BLoC (Business Logic Component) is a design pattern used for managing state in Flutter applications. It helps separate business logic from UI components, making code more modular, testable, and maintainable. BLoC pattern is widely used in Flutter for its simplicity and scalability in managing complex stateful applications.
In the BLoC pattern, business logic is encapsulated within separate BLoC classes, which act as intermediaries between UI components and data sources. BLoC classes receive events from the UI, process them, update the application state, and emit new states to notify UI components of changes.
The key components of the BLoC pattern in Flutter include:
  • Events: Represent user actions or system events that trigger state changes.
  • BLoC: Business Logic Component that contains the application’s business logic and manages state.
  • States: Represent different states of the application, which are emitted by the BLoC in response to events.
  • UI Components: Widgets that display the application’s state and respond to user interactions.
To implement the BLoC pattern in Flutter, you typically define BLoC classes to manage state, create events and states to represent user actions and application states, use StreamControllers or Cubits to handle state changes, and integrate BLoCs with UI components using StreamBuilder or BlocBuilder widgets.
The benefits of using the BLoC pattern in Flutter include separation of concerns, improved code organization and maintainability, reusability of business logic across multiple UI components, testability with unit tests and widget tests, and scalability for managing complex stateful applications.
While Provider and Riverpod are alternative state management solutions in Flutter, the BLoC pattern offers a more structured and formal approach to managing state, particularly for large-scale applications with complex state requirements. BLoC provides better separation of concerns and facilitates better code organization compared to other solutions.
Common use cases for using the BLoC pattern in Flutter applications include managing form state, handling user authentication and authorization, fetching and caching data from APIs, implementing complex user interfaces with dynamic behavior, and coordinating interactions between multiple screens or components.
While the BLoC pattern offers many advantages, it can introduce some complexity, especially for beginners. Setting up BLoC architecture and managing streams can require a learning curve. Additionally, boilerplate code and increased file count may be a concern for smaller projects.
Developers can find tutorials and resources for learning about the BLoC pattern in Flutter on official Flutter documentation, community forums like Stack Overflow and GitHub, developer blogs and tutorials, online courses and certifications, and Flutter conferences and meetups. Additionally, exploring sample projects and GitHub repositories can provide hands-on experience and insights into best practices.
Best practices for using the BLoC pattern effectively in Flutter applications include keeping BLoC classes focused on specific domains or features, minimizing dependencies between BLoC classes, using dependency injection for managing BLoC instances, naming conventions for events and states, and writing comprehensive unit tests to ensure correctness and reliability.

Flutter Performance Techniques To Boost Existing App Outcomes

Neo Infoway - WEB & Mobile Development Company | Festival | Neo | Infoway | Leading software Development company | Top Software development company in India


Flutter is now the most used and preferred framework for developing cross-platform applications. Flutter is a framework that runs with the Dart programming language which Google creates. Flutter lowers development costs and allows for flexible the development of applications for every platform. This creates Flutter among the most powerful frameworks for developing applications.

Flutter Vs React Native Performance

Both frameworks are capable of delivering excellent performance. However, Flutter has an advantage because it’s more flexible when working with files that are heavy and require more memory. It is also known as React Native Applications are lighter in weight, but they use greater power, which is not a good thing for performance.

Flutter is compatible with native code which enhances Flutter’s web performance and performance across platforms. Furthermore, Flutter tools are able to be utilized for platforms like embedded (infotainment systems that are used in automobiles).

Top Flutter Performance Optimization Tips

In this section of this blog post, all details have been given to help you improve Flutter’s performance. effectiveness of the Flutter application. and performance of the application.

Avoid State Flutter Widgets

The biggest mistake we make is to use State Flutter widgets to support Flutter App development during the initial stages of the development. Stateful widgets are a good choice when your application is using an extensive build function and you need to build it again.

SetState() and StatefulWidget should be used only to update or rebuild. Additionally, it is recommended to use it only in all widgets to improve efficiency of Flutter.

Use Const Keyword

Const is a constant that is a kind of Flutter widget which is used during compilation to prevent. Const lets you use multiple widgets with no impact on performance. Another advantage of const is it doesn’t require the need to rebuild every time you switch between widgets.

Use case of Const

const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 4, 16, 8);
const Color lightGray = Color(0xFFFEFEFE);
const Text('This is a static text')


Try Using Async/Await

It is crucial to ensure when developing to ensure that the code employed within the application is synchronous, or Asynchronous. By using Async/Await, code is written asynchronously within Flutter. Flutter application.

Async code is difficult to upgrade and troubleshooting the Asynchronous code can be difficult. But, code’s accessibility improves when it is paired with Async.

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Develop And Display Frames

The display is split into two components of structure and picture. Developers can use 8ms for structure and another 8ms to render pictures to be rendered on 60hz displays.

Always split 16ms equally between image and structure to get better flutter performance for your application.

You might be thinking that the 16ms delay will affect the quality of the display? Do not worry about it, 16ms won’t affect any aspect of display quality. It will increase the battery’s lifespan. Additionally, by using 16ms you will get superior performance even on smaller devices.

Rebuilding Widget Animated Builder

Animation is among the most attractive aspects of any mobile or web-based application. It draws the attention of users however, at the same time, it affects the speed of the application.

The majority of developers employ AnimationController. It rebuilds several widgets inside AnimatedBuilder and this is one of the main reasons for slow Flutter performance.

To ensure that you do not have issues with performance To avoid performance issues, you can utilize CounterThe widget that allows you to build animations without having to rebuild multiple widgets.

Avoid Build Method

Beware of employing this Build() method since it’s expensive and uses up plenty of power. The repeated usage of Build() could affect Flutter’s performance. To maximize Flutter performance for your existing application, it is possible to break up the big widgets you created using the Building() process into smaller versions.

Decrease Application Size

In the early stages of development, it’s simple to integrate various codes, packages, and widgets to build an application. Sometimes, however, it will require massive storage to hold all the data, which in turn affects the application’s performance.

The development tool of Flutter has the benefit of reducing the application’s size. With Gradle’s help, you can decrease the size of your Flutter application for better performance.

With the packaging system that was introduced by Google with the packaging system, you can build bundles of Android apps. App Bundles can be beneficial in a variety of ways. One of the major benefits of an app bundle is that it permits you to download your own codes directly from the Google Play Store. Google Play Store provides applications compatible with the device, and also supports the platform’s design.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Performance is crucial for providing a smooth and responsive user experience. Slow or laggy apps can frustrate users and lead to negative reviews or decreased engagement.
Common performance issues include slow rendering, high memory usage, excessive widget rebuilding, and poor frame rates during animations.
You can measure the performance of your Flutter app using tools like Flutter DevTools, which provides insights into rendering performance, memory usage, and widget rebuilds.
Techniques to improve performance include optimizing widget trees, minimizing unnecessary rebuilds, using const constructors, reducing widget nesting, lazy-loading resources, and optimizing animations.
  • ASP.NET has many developers. Microsoft provides extensive documentation. It also offers a wide range of third-party libraries and tools.
  • Laravel has an active community. It has good documentation and a rich set of packages available via Composer.
You can optimize network requests by minimizing the number of requests, using HTTP caching, compressing data, and prefetching resources when possible.
Effective state management can significantly impact app performance. Using state management solutions like Provider or Riverpod can help minimize unnecessary widget rebuilds and improve app responsiveness.
Yes, code splitting can help reduce initial app load times by splitting your codebase into smaller chunks and loading only the necessary code when needed.
Efficiently handling large lists involves using techniques like ListView.builder with itemExtent, implementing lazy loading or pagination, and recycling list items using ListView.separated or ListView.custom.
Optimizing Flutter animations involves using lightweight animation controllers, minimizing the number of animated widgets, and avoiding expensive operations inside animation callbacks.
If performance issues persist, consider profiling your app using tools like Flutter DevTools or Performance Overlay to identify bottlenecks and areas for further optimization. Additionally, seeking guidance from the Flutter community or consulting with experienced developers can provide valuable insights.